Looking for a Gucci or Oakley Frame?
If you are in the market for frames from Gucci or Oakley we currently have a promotion running until December 31st, 2023! On transactions using your vision plan you will receive a 20% discount on all frames before your frame allowance is deducted. For transactions using your credit card, cash, or check, the discount is 40%!!. Call us at 408-374-7000 for more details!
If you are in the market for frames from Gucci or Oakley we currently have a promotion running until December 31st, 2023! On transactions using your vision plan you will receive a 20% discount on all frames before your frame allowance is deducted. For transactions using your credit card, cash, or check, the discount is 40%!!. Call us at 408-374-7000 for more details!
Corneal Refractive Therapy
There is a way to correct your nearsightedness without Lasers or incisions. It is called Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT) and you will see results within 24 hours! Ultra high oxygen permeable vision correcting contact lenses are worn while you sleep. You wake up seeing better than you ever thought possible. When you call or go online for your appointment ask to be evaluated for CRT.
There is a way to correct your nearsightedness without Lasers or incisions. It is called Corneal Refractive Therapy (CRT) and you will see results within 24 hours! Ultra high oxygen permeable vision correcting contact lenses are worn while you sleep. You wake up seeing better than you ever thought possible. When you call or go online for your appointment ask to be evaluated for CRT.
Optomap Retinal Examination
Optos was founded and incorporated in 1992 by Douglas Anderson after his then five-year-old son went blind in one eye when a retinal detachment was detected too late. Although his son was having regular eye exams, routine exams were uncomfortable, especially for a child, which made it impossible for the doctor to conduct a complete exam and view the entire retina. Anderson set out to commercialize a patient-friendly retinal image product that encompassed a digital widefield image of the retina in a single capture. |
Douglas Anderson's company, now called Optos, has provided enhanced retinal examinations for millions of people all over the world, saving the vision and possibly the lives of many people whose eye diseases would have normally been undiagnosed. The Optomap Retinal Examination is now available in Dr. Umeda's office and is recommended for all patients at every eye examination. To learn more, go to www.optos.com
What is the iWellness Exam? The iWellness scan is an easy-to-read report that displays the thickness of your retina and your ganglion cell complex as compared to a database of normal eyes. These metrics along with a high-resolution image and symmetry analysis help to identify if you are displaying the early signs of retinal disease or glaucoma.
Back to School Eye Examinations
With Back to School just around the corner, it is important for parents to make
sure their children's eyes are healthy. Approximately 80 percent of all learning
during a child's first 12 years comes through vision. Dr. Umeda wants your children to have a positive experience at school. One of the best things a parent can do is to schedule an eye exam that includes optomap ultra-widefield digital retinal imaging before schools starts to ensure your child is ready for the school year.
Dr. Umeda offers optomap to patients of all ages because it is important for everyone as part of a comprehensive eye exam to have their retina checked regularly no matter how well you see. A majority of eye problems arise without you even knowing and an optomap allows your Doctor to get an ultrawidefield view of the retina in a fast, painless, and comfortable way. Good eye health and vision is important to your child's learning and vision problems can affect their performance in school. Undetected or untreated vision problems can hinder a child's ability to perform to their full potential in school. In fact, many eye diseases can impair vision or lead to vision loss, which is why it is important for people of all ages to have their eyes checked regularly. At least 10 to 15 percent or 8 to 12 million children are at risk for vision impairments. Prevention of these conditions can be easy so schedule your child's eye exam today! While you're at it, schedule your own exam too! Please call us today to schedule your Back to School Exam with optomap.
Source: American Optometric Association
With Back to School just around the corner, it is important for parents to make
sure their children's eyes are healthy. Approximately 80 percent of all learning
during a child's first 12 years comes through vision. Dr. Umeda wants your children to have a positive experience at school. One of the best things a parent can do is to schedule an eye exam that includes optomap ultra-widefield digital retinal imaging before schools starts to ensure your child is ready for the school year.
Dr. Umeda offers optomap to patients of all ages because it is important for everyone as part of a comprehensive eye exam to have their retina checked regularly no matter how well you see. A majority of eye problems arise without you even knowing and an optomap allows your Doctor to get an ultrawidefield view of the retina in a fast, painless, and comfortable way. Good eye health and vision is important to your child's learning and vision problems can affect their performance in school. Undetected or untreated vision problems can hinder a child's ability to perform to their full potential in school. In fact, many eye diseases can impair vision or lead to vision loss, which is why it is important for people of all ages to have their eyes checked regularly. At least 10 to 15 percent or 8 to 12 million children are at risk for vision impairments. Prevention of these conditions can be easy so schedule your child's eye exam today! While you're at it, schedule your own exam too! Please call us today to schedule your Back to School Exam with optomap.
Source: American Optometric Association